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Incontinence cannot be attributed to a common problem. With this disease, which many men hesitate to speak openly, faces about 7% of men, but with age, the number of persons with this disease significantly increases. Almost without affecting the health of patients, incontinence in men can be a serious difficulty, which does not allow to live a normal life and creates many psychological problems. But with such a “scourge” can be fought successfully, the main thing is to trust the doctor and find out the cause of this condition.

The cause of the incontinence

According to doctors, incontinence (incontinence) is not an independent disease, or an integral part of aging. As a rule, is a consequence of some diseases or surgical interventions.

List the main causes of incontinence:

  • medication sedative drugs in high doses;
  • emotional stress and psychological illness;
  • intoxication (including alcohol);
  • urinary tract infection and majolica;
  • neurological diseases, for example, multiple sclerosis;
  • head trauma or spinal cord, for which there was a loss of control over urination;
  • surgery to remove the cancer tumor on the prostate gland.

Types of urinary incontinence

The incontinence is divided into 3 types:

  1. Incontinence stress. This type of incontinence occurs most often and is characterized by the involuntary release of urine when part of the voltage, try to raise the weight, when you laugh or cough, that is when the pressure increases on the bladder.
  2. Incontinence is imperative (urgent). As a rule, it is a strong and urgent urge to urinate, which people just can’t make it to the toilet. As a rule, this disease occurs in individuals with urinary bladder stones, Parkinson’s disease or the effects of stroke.
  3. Incontinence caused by overflow of Majolica. In this disease the person doesn’t feel the urge to urinate, but the urine is excreted in small portions. Typically this condition cause neurological disease. According to doctors, often with such a problem of contact for individuals who work according to the timetable (workers conveyors, truck drivers), who have no opportunity to timely empty the bowel and they are forced to consciously hold urine. In such patients, the bladder is stretched and loses tone.

The treatment of incontinence


To cope with the existing disease, doctors recommend to take medication:

  1. Alpha blockers. These tools normalize the flow of urine and prevent involuntary urination by relaxation of smooth muscles of (the Roots, Hyperprism, Artezin, Omnic, Alfuzosin).
  2. Inhibitors reductase. Reduce the synthesis of hormones that cause prostate enlargement, which ultimately helps solve the problem of incontinence (Finast, Prosteride, Alfinal).
  3. Tricyclic antidepressants. Relaxes the muscular system, and also block the impulses that cause spasms in the bladder (Imipramine). This preparation is ideal for the treatment of nocturnal enuresis (enuresis), including children.

Nero modulators

In difficult cases, when the problem is not solved with medical therapy, the patient is recommended Nero modulators. This process involves the action of electric pulses to the tibia nerve and modify the transmission of nerve signals. This therapy leads to the restoration of control over majolica.


In the case where urinary incontinence in men caused by damage to the spinal cord, or if the patient underwent removal of the prostate, the drug does not solve the problem of incontinence. In this case, the doctors conducting the patient the implantation of an artificial sphincter. Take care of yourself!