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Nighttime Cough Relief: The Most Effective Methods and Remedies

Coughing at night can disrupt your sleep and leave you feeling exhausted the next day. If you’re looking for ways to calm a nighttime cough, there are several things you can try. These include staying hydrated, using a humidifier, avoiding irritants, and trying natural cough remedies. With a little trial and error, you should be able to find what works best for you and get the restful night’s sleep you need.

Coughing at night can disrupt sleep and lead to fatigue

Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to help calm a nighttime cough. Try drinking honey or warm lemon water before bed, as these can help soothe your throat. You might also want to take a steamy shower before going to bed, as the humid air can help reduce congestion. If your cough is due to allergies, try taking an antihistamine before bedtime.

One of the most common methods for calming a nighttime cough is to stay hydrated. When we are well-hydrated, our bodies are able to produce more mucus, which can help to coat and soothe the irritated throat and airway. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day is a good way to prevent a cough from developing in the first place. If you do find yourself with a nightly cough, be sure to drink lots of water, herbal tea, or warm soup before bedtime. Everybody is different, so you may have to try a few different methods before finding what works best for you

Here are a few things that may help calm your nighttime cough: First, make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids during the day. This will help thin out mucus and make it easier to cough up. Throat lozenges can also be helpful in lubricating the throat and reducing inflammation. Second, prop yourself up with pillows when you sleep. This will help keep mucus from draining down your throat and triggering a cough reflex.

Vaporizer, Humidifier, or Steam?

Which is your favorite way to keep your throat from getting dry and irritated at night? You could use a vaporizer, a humidifier, or even just a hot shower. If you haven’t tried any of these options before, the best way to determine which one works for you is to test them out yourself. All these options are safe. You only have to find out which one is more effective in your case. You can also try a saltwater solution to help relieve the congestion. Use a neti pot or a shower head to drip hot water into the back of your nose, then drain the water out. Both of these options can be more effective than a vaporizer or humidifier, which can leave behind minerals that can irritate your nose and lungs. Try these options for a few days and see if you feel better.

Stop Smoking for Better Sleep with No Coughing

If you smoke, quit as soon as possible. Take care of your teeth and gums. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to help prevent gum damage. Brushing your teeth twice a day and protecting your mouth from irritants can help you feel more comfortable during sleep. Nicotine gum might be helpful because it does have a soothing, calming effect. However, nicotine does not influence the cough itself. This means that nicotine gum will not reduce the cough signals coming from the chest. You’ll still have to see the doctor and understand the reasons of your cough at night.

Healthy Diet

There is evidence that cutting down on certain foods may help to reduce nighttime coughs. In particular, the following types of food and beverages can contribute to or exacerbate a cough:

  • Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, soda, tea, or energy drinks;
  • Alcohol;
  • Greasy, fried foods;
  • Aged cheeses;
  • Aged meat.

Mainly, avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages before bed. Alcohol will dehydrate you and caffeine stimulates the nervous system and muscles — both of which can trigger coughing. Finally, be sure to get plenty of exercise during the day to promote better breathing. Always try to eat nutritious, well-balanced meals. This will help to provide the nutrients that the body needs to fight off an infection. It is important to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Bananas are good for fighting off coughs and colds. Don’t forget about the levels of Melatonin. It is a hormone made by the body that helps regulate sleep. You can try taking a melatonin supplement an hour before bed.

Fluids Are Essential for Good Sleep

The best fluid to drink will be whatever you tolerate best. If the cough won’t stop, you can add soothing herbal teas that have additional properties to help soothe a cough, such as slippery elm, marshmallow, mullein, chamomile, and calendula. Chamomile tea is especially good for soothing a sore throat, and it’s a natural antihistamine.


Talk to your doctor about whether an over-the-counter cough medicine is right for you. Decongestants can constrict the throat and make coughing worse. There are helpful over-the-counter products at Canadian pharmacy drug that work on the muscles of the chest, helping to relax and loosen the cough, and cough drops. One example would be dextromethorphan that has received a large number of positive reviews. Many solutions include camphor, essential oils or menthol. The pharmacy service will help you choose the most suitable solution based on your doctor’s recommendation.

Green Tea

Drinking green tea can help you to fight off a cold. Green tea has many useful properties, one of which is that it is an anti-inflammatory. It can help you fight off a cold. It is recommended to drink a cup of green tea a day should you be starting to feel like you are coming down with a cold. It is also a natural antihistamine. Its properties help to reduce the presence of mucous and can prevent a cold or flu, as well as nighttime cough. Green tea is also a natural painkiller.

Try a Fluids-Thinner

If you are congested and frequently coughing, you can try a fluid thinner, like Mucinex. It can be taken as often as every four hours. Make sure you have plenty of water during the day. If you have been congested for a long time, your immune system may be weak. A good way to strengthen it is with Vitamin C, 1000 mg per day. It can be taken in chewable, or powdered lozenges, or in powder form.

Nighttime Cough Relief: Bottom Line

Coughing is a vital reflex that helps us get rid of the irritant that is causing the cough. As you become older, you may begin to experience some dry mouth. The mouth can become dry in a variety of situations, such as when you drink certain beverages, when you travel, or when you are sick. Try to relax, meditate, or read a book before bedtime. This will help to calm your mind and relieve anxiety that can trigger a night-time cough.

  • If you are congested and your lungs do not hurt, you can try a chest rub.
  • If you are congested and nauseated, you can try a decongestant pill, such as Sudafed.
  • If your chest hurts, take a pain reliever and don’t forget to see your doctor the next day.

To treat nighttime cough, you need to treat the underlying cause first. To do this, you might want to start with the treatment for that cause. If the cause for your nighttime cough is found to be a seasonal allergy, you might want to take antihistamines to relieve that condition. In order to have a good night’s sleep, you might want to try using a saline drop. The saline is a good way to reduce a dry mouth and throat.